As a local church family, we believe that God wants us to play a specific role in the Great Commission. He wants the message of His salvation to be shared throughout the world, and our finances contribute toward these ends. God has been so gracious and generous to us, and He calls us to respond in gratitude through our individual and corporate giving. Like other aspects of our lives – such as our time, abilities, and passions – our money is a matter of Gospel stewardship. Therefore, as a church family we want continually to build our budgets in ways that help us steward our finances toward local and global Great Commission work. Also, as individual Christians, the Bible gives us several helpful principles of giving. In 2 Corinthians 9 we are encouraged to:

  • Give bountifully.
  • Give cheerfully.
  • Give as we feel God has led us in our hearts.
  • View giving as an experience of God's grace abounding in our lives and through us to others.
  • Give for the purpose of spreading the Gospel of Jesus around the world.
  • Give with the understanding that God has already given us every blessing we have, most of all the gift of salvation in His Son.



CLICK HERE to give online. You may schedule a one-time or recurring contribution.


You may place your contribution in the offering plate during the Worship Service or drop it by the church office Monday through Thursday.


Mail contributions to:

Chapin Baptist Church

P.O. Box 640

Chapin, SC 29036

More Information

If you have questions or need additional information about giving online, please email Ginger Borcky at

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